Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chilly beds for cool dogs

Last weekend, my person wanted to sit outside all day on her balcony to enjoy the fall weather, but I was feeling chilly, so I stayed inside on the sofa. But some dogs get chilly really easily even when they are in the house. They may have a medical problem like poor circulation that makes them feel cold, the house may be drafty, or they might just be plain chilly! Being chilly can also aggravate some other conditions like arthritis. Small dogs and those with short hair get cold more easily without the extra benefit of an undercoat that fluffier breeds have.

Tipster Clarabelle used to be cold all the time, always hiding under the covers or snuggling up next to her buddy, Buddy, but she could never get warm. Sometimes being cold would make her arthritis worse, and she would be stiff in the morning.

Well, Clarabelle & Buddy's person took action. The pair now love their ChillyDog Snuggle Bed. (They are pictured here keeping cozy). This thing is like a deluxe sleeping bag for dogs, but it has a hoop sewn in the top so that it is easy to get in and out. How cool is that? These beds can also make your pup feel safe and secure-they make especially great hiding places during thunderstorms! Plus, we look super cute curled up in our fleece nests.

[The Daily Dog Scoop was not compensated for this post, but if Chilly Dog was interested in sending me a snuggle bed to test out, I would happily oblige!]

1 comment:

  1. We are so honored to be featured on your site, Scoop! We really do love our Chilly Beds. Especially with the cooler weather, we enjoy being tucked in every night, as well as all of the daytime napping opportunities, of course...


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