Monday, April 19, 2010

Are dogs Republicans or Democrats?

As a four legged journalist living in the nation's capitol, I am often asked if dogs are Republicans or Democrats.  We don't wiggle our butts over politics; we are equal opportunity belly-rub recipients.  One thing is for sure: both Republicans and Democrats love their dogs.  This brings me to two high profile political dog lovers in the news this past week: The Obama family and former press secretary to George Bush, Dana Perino.  

Dana Perino is known as one tough Republican, but she also loves dogs.  She even served as a fundraiser for her local Washington Humane Society's Fashion for Paws event.   In her recent interview with Politico's Peter Gavin (video below), she talks about how Americans love their pets and the having a pet in the White House really helps to make it a home--no matter the political party in charge.  She did teach her dog Henry some politically oriented tricks, but I bet he just does them for the treats.  Watch the video to see that this White House reporter could not keep up with a 12 year old vizla.  

I would be remiss if I did not also mention that past week marked Bo Obama's first year in the White House.  He did bark at Santa, but he broke down dog barriers by being the only non-guide dog to attend the White House easter egg roll.  He is pictured here playing one of his most important roles as White House dog: posing for adorable pictures with the Obama girls.  Huffington Post wonders "who is more excited to see the president's helicopter land?"  

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