Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Safety & the holidays

Lots of new stuff comes into the house during the holiday season. Don't forget to check if this new stuff might be harmful to your dog. Several holiday plants are known to be dangerous to dogs. Make sure the following plants are safely out of reach: poinsettia, mistletoe, holly leaves and berries. Houston Pet Talk has a great list of dangers ranging from plants, to presents, to holiday seasonings. Check out the whole list, but here are a few important ones:
  • Tinsel may look nice, but can cause an intestinal blockage if ingested (Same goes for ribbons).
  • Beware of loose batteries from all your new gadget gifts--obviously toxic to dogs!
  • Keep candles safely away from pets--spilled wax is no friend to skin or coats, and tails do catch fire.
  • Glass ornaments may look like balls, but are not safe to play with--so keep fragile ornaments at the top of the tree.
The holidays can also be stressful for dogs. There is so much going on--travel, house guests, trees in the house, and changes in the regular walk/feeding schedule. Check in with the folks at Houston Pet Talk (scroll to bottom) for tips on making the holidays less stressful for your dog.

[Image Courtesy of PhotoBucket--though I DO NOT endorse the idea of wrapping your dog in Christmas lights, in fact, it is probably a pretty bad idea]

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